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Is bone broth processing technology from Coctio new or not?

Top FAQ related to bone broth technology with answers

Companies in the meat, poultry and fish processing industries have asked us about the technology used in Coctio bone broth preparation. In fact, utilising bone by-products for producing broths and sauces raises these general questions below, which are also common topics of conversations with us.

These conversations inspired us to share the Top Frequently Asked Questions with people interested in us. You will find the answers to questions about what Coctio bone broth technology is and how it can renew the food industry.


1. Is bone broth processing technology from Coctio new or not and how ground-breaking it is for meat, poultry and fish processing?

Upgraded technology with the latest cleantech solution, automated and digitalised industrial processes combined with chef-level expertise

Bone broth preparation in an industrial way is not a new technology for Coctio. There are, for example, traditional and enzyme-based broth and bouillon production processes and equipment on the market. With regard to Coctio technology, an age-old bone broth simmering method has been upgraded to an automated and digitalised industrial process combined with chef-level expertise.

Let us highlight the difference between Coctio technology and traditional or enzyme-based technologies by following key aspects of the food industry in processing bone by-products for use in broths and sauces:  

  1. The Coctio process is totally clean (no use of enzymes and any other additives and preservatives) and follows the traditional bone broth preparation method to produce authentic, healthy and culinary broth products.
  2. Coctio brings the expertise to chef level at Michelin Star restaurants developing recipes for industrially produced additive-free bone broth and sauces (including demi-glace based sauces).
  3. The Coctio process uses 100% meat, poultry and fish processing bone leftovers to produce valuable products – i.e. pure industrial fat, bone powder, meat powder for protein-rich pet food material, fertiliser and renewable energy.

Before Coctio’s technology, there were no suitable industrial-scale automated machines, equipment and recipes for use in a functional cooking process for culinary broths. As a pioneer in the food industry, the Coctio cooking process is the only manufacturing method in the world that offers an industrial solution for the production of chef-level bone broth.

2. What is new about this technology for meat and food processors? 

Expanding the bone broth market globally and getting a profit rate of up to 300%

Bone broth and sauce preparation have finally reached a commercial form where slaughtering, meat and fish processors, as well as convenience food industry, can consider it as a highly profitable new business for retail and food service markets. 

Kai Iiskola’s premium, chef-level industrial-scale process producing bone broth, soups and sauces means high-quality taste, structure and ease of use for ready broth and sauce products for consumers and the catering industry.

The overwhelming benefit of the Coctio bone broth business concept is its productive way to process and utilise food industry bone by-products as a new business and reach a profit rate of up to 300% using bones as raw material for multiple valuable end products.

With a Coctio’s manufacturing line, meat and food processors can reduce the bone waste and transportation costs associated with disposing of bones and potentially reducing the energy costs of factories by allowing them to burn the bone residue and create heat energy. No bone waste remains at all after simmering broths and bone residue handling processes.

3. Since bone broth simmering is an age-old method for home cooking, how is it possible that an industrial method for the production of culinary taste and additive-free bone broths is only now appearing on the market? 

Why is Coctio technology the first of its kind?

It's a difficult question to answer simply because of the different manufacturing methods used in the food industry. We represent the most modern technology, which combines automation, an evaporation process with modular equipment, chef's expertise and recipe development. No method of comparable productiveness with turnkey service yet exists on the market.

Why is Coctio technology the first? In our view is that producing broth and demi-glace sauce products following the traditional cooking process and utilising the experience of a professional chef and his culinary recipes and know-how have been difficult to integrate into an industrial-scale production process. This kind of new food preparation business using a bone both manufacturing line is a result of several years of work by broth master Kai Iiskola.

4. Is it possible that this technology has already been implemented by selling the equipment to current suppliers of bone broth?

Not with the same closed and automated cooking and evaporated processes based on Chef’s know-how.

Take a look at a video:  


Should you not find the answer to your question listed above then please send your question to us by using the comment form below or a contact form.

We are happy to answer and update the list of our most frequently asked questions related to processing bone by-products, bone broth processing technology and business involved. 

Tanja Immonen 5 janvier 2016

What does the bull symbolise for Coctio?