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Blog series, part 4: Broth and sauce line nearing completion - product testing and trial runs in June

Now is a good time for an update on the completion of the broth and sauce line as we have entered the last month of installation work on the production line. In the three months since January’s blog entry, work on the line has progressed almost as planned, and the degree of completion in the beginning of May is 93%. As regards the automation, the equipment module-specific controls have been completed with the exception of the oven and bone transfer.

The broth line product testing and trial runs, which will be conducted with customers, will start at the beginning of June after internal trial runs. The trial runs booked by customers will involve the testing of the entire cooking and evaporation process using bones supplied by either the customer or Coctio as well as the production of test batches of meat, fish or chicken broths or sauces.

Prior to this, we have carried out partial testing of the cooking process for some of our customers – product testing days during which we have used the cookers, filtering unit and product tank. In these trial runs, we have also used various recipes to produce, for example, fish broth and pure fish fat, which we have delivered to the customer in bag-in-boxes for use in research and product development. The difference between the above partial tests and the trial runs to be performed in June is the fact that the entire Coctio broth manufacturing process and module equipment will be in test use then.

Would you like to book a broth line trial run and product test for your company? Please act quickly: there are only a few unbooked weeks left before the broth line is delivered to the end customer for production use. 

Ask for more information on trial runs and product tests by email: or

Tanja Immonen May 2, 2016

Blog series, part 3: User-friendly automation system using tables makes the bone broth and sauce production easy for the production team