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Infographic: Processing Bone by-products and Turns Bones into Profitable Business

Has your company already considered how to get the most out of the meat and fish processing bone by-products and utilise them as raw material, instead of disposing of and destroying it in landfills? What kind of end products can be produced from bones as raw material and make profitable business? What are the options for upgrading previously unproductive bones into a continuous revenue stream?

The infographic (at the end of the post) illustrates the business possibilities and value that bones as raw material offer the food industry when using the Coctio bone broth manufacturing line. It shows how producing bone broths and other commercial end products can be done industrially very profitably. 

Recently, we have discussed with a number of food industry customers about the optimisation of food industry by-products and how to maximise different fractions into a valuable business. The theme is a hot topic globally, with food companies looking for efficient and productive solutions to reduce the amount of bio-waste generated in food processing but also to produce bioenergy.

A major competitive advantage can be achieves if the meat and fish processing and convenience food industries turn bone remains into profitable business by producing culinary flavour and additive-free bone broths, soups, sauces and sauce bases. Moreover, the left-over bone material from the bone broth process can be refined and generate heat energy at the on-site incineration plant. Finally, the remaining ash can be sold as fertiliser material to the commercial market.

It’s obvious that, this way, the maximum operating efficiency of bone remains can be achieved, and the production process is fully economical. If bone byproducts are managed, separated and refined for multiple commercial end products in your production plant, savings in waste costs, transportation costs, as well as the supply of energy can be achieved.

Naturally, the market potential for healthy and nutritious bone broths has also become on an issue with customers. We have discussed the use and potential of broths and soups for food processing and food service. Because the authentic, gelatinous bone broth and sauce base is completely free of additives, it is ideal for the convenience food industry. The flavour does not disappear when the food is reheated. It even tastes better and better after being reheated. Institutional kitchens value culinary broths and soups that are made using chefs’ recipes and methods of consistent quality that are easy to use. In restaurants, using ready-made broth and sauce bases increases flavour, saves work and improves productivity.

Food processors are guaranteed to succeed on the market when they more accurately manage their production by-products as well as focus on new food process technologies and product ranges in addition to sustainability to produce nutritious non-processed food with natural food ingredients and premium quality. This means gourmet tastes and structure for meals, at the same time making the product easy and comfortable to use.

How to Value Bone by-product processing and producing industrial Bone Broths?

If you're interested in producing authentic Bone Broths and calculate the revenues, you can make your estimation by using Coctio Profitability Calculator to value the business. This calculator is designed to give you a preliminary and rough estimate of the value of a bone broth business based on the main variables. We'll help you out with any questions. 

Tanja Immonen October 29, 2015

Delivering bone broth manufacturing lines from our new premises