Coctio AiOS broth cooker System convinces meat and fish processing industry to make high-quality stocks from bones

Any meat, poultry and fish processor and food manufacturer can start value creation for animal bones and become a successful bone broth producer. 


Higher profit for extraction of natural protein derived from animal bone category 3 

Meat, poultry and fish processing industry faces bone residues of relatively low-value end products. The most common practice being to dispose of bone residues in landfills and rendering plants to be made into meat and bone meal for animal feed, fertilizers and bulk pet food ingredients. It is estimated that only about 10% of animal bones being classified as category 3, which are fit for human consumption are further processed to produce food products. One of the most common end-products is gelatine. Being said that at a global scale, animal bones belonging to category 3 are a vast protein resource and raw material for nutritious and natural foods that should never end up in landfills.

In discussions with many slaughtering, meat and fish processing companies, it's been valuable for us to find that they are considering their sustainability policies and strategies of further processing bone residues into higher-value products to those traditionally made, which would make better use of the naturally nutritious components of the bones, and provide higher profit margins to the entire food processing chain. They are looking for ways to extract protein nutrition and maximizing the economic value of bones in the most cost-efficient way to differentiate themselves from the market and grow. Value creation for bones has led to new approaches and market researches in companies to explore bones as an essential protein raw material for new product and business opportunities for human and pet food consumption.

To encourage these companies for protein extraction of bones making high-value nutritious foods to feed people, instead of landfills, Coctio released in May 2019 its low-scale cooking system for the production of natural label food items such as bone broths, bouillons, soups, sauces and other liquid foods. Since its release, this cooking station has met great interest, particularly in small and medium-sized meat and fish processing companies in assessing and setting up a project to get into a new broth and soup producing business.

The AiOS cooking system is especially noted for its excellent performance results to start the production at a small scale with a relatively low investment. The benefits are also seen in its compact and thus space-saving design, and in the scalability of the system for different operational needs across the food industry as it is suitable for R&D, pilot and commercial production purposes. Some processing plants that has been very much interested in new opportunities to create clean label bone stock ingredient and stock-related products and applications made from bones, but so far seen it as a risky investment to expand product areas beyond its core business and to start up the production with larger volumes, are now more convinced with the real business opportunity that the AiOS cooking system offers in terms of converting bone residues into nutritious revenue ideally in line with core business.

New Coctio equipment delivery

Coctio is pleased to announce its first AiOS bone broth cooking system will be delivered to the customer in November 2019. Please feel free to get in touch if you wish to see the system at Coctio facility before its shipment.


Get a glimpse of the AiOS cooking system in this video tour:


Coctio, Mikko Rovamaa September 24, 2019

Coctio's partner FPT exhibits at the VietFish 2019