Blog Series 8: Bone broth and dried meat protein applications for pet foods Following our article of meat and fish by-products correlate with the growth of premium, natural and healthy pet foods, in this blog post we will expand on how Coctio can help to generate additional p...
Blog Series 7: Meat and fish by-products provide high margin opportunities in pet food industry In this and in the next blog posts we will explore how the pet food industry provides an opportunity to sell higher margin meat and fish by-products; humanisation, natural and transparency trends driv...
Overview of the Coctio process for value-added bone management concept Are you finding new ways of getting more value from food processing bone remains and expand into new markets? This post presents a visual overview (pdf) of the Coctio’s the value-added bone management...
Blog Series 6: Succeed in a bone broth-based food and beverage market How can you enter the bone broth market and who are the customers? This post covers aspects and market insights about the fast-growing meat and fish broth-based food and beverage business, which is ta...
Video: This is how the automated bone broth and sauce manufacturing process runs! Take a look at our brand new step-by-step tutorial video through the industrial bone broth and sauce manufacturing process!...
Video: Teamwork in designing and manufacturing the bone processing machinery and broth production lines Watch the new video of our team in designing, manufacturing and delivering the bone processing machinery and the bone broth production lines!...
Blog series 5: Drying increases the value added of bones to 100% – processing bones into meat and fish protein The previous posts have dealt with the value increase of bone from the broth business perspective: we have covered the broth and sauce manufacturing process and broth line module equipment, animal fat...
Blog series, part 4: Broth and sauce line nearing completion - product testing and trial runs in June Now is a good time for an update on the completion of the broth and sauce line as we have entered the last month of installation work on the production line. In the three months since January’s blog e...
Blog series, part 3: User-friendly automation system using tables makes the bone broth and sauce production easy for the production team User-friendly broth production automation system – also on tablets This third blog series gives you information how does an automation system of the Coctio bone broth and sauce preparation works and h...
Blog series, part 2: A new way to deal with the animal fat Bone broth and animal fat filtering unit How to separate the fat from the broth? In the first part of the blog series, we wrote a summary of the machinery associated with a Coctio bone broth processin...
Generate new revenue streams from bone by-products - the blog begins! Part 1 Are you looking to establish a bone waste-processing or bone broth and sauce production plant? Welcome to this multi-part blog focused on a specific Coctio processing line that helps the food processi...
Is bone broth processing technology from Coctio new or not? Top FAQ related to bone broth technology with answers Companies in the meat, poultry and fish processing industries have asked us about the technology used in Coctio bone broth preparation. In fact, u...